Our mission is to bring yoga, mindfulness, and trauma informed practices to schools in Taos County to create a safe, supportive, sacred space for students to breathe and believe in a better brighter tomorrow.
Calm Body ~ Quiet Mind ~ Open Heart
Skills we share:
- Attention: focus, concentration, and relaxation
- Self-Regulation: stress management and window
of tolerance - Self-Awareness: thoughts, feelings, beliefs, boundaries, behavior
- Self-Management: Impulse and choice and decisions
- Somatic intelligence: sensing, observing, and knowing
- Emotional intelligence: feeling, reflecting and responding
- Social intelligence: listening and respecting, self and other
- Self-love: compassion, curiosity, and forgiveness
- Resilience: courage, confidence, and creativity
- Brilliance: passion, play, and power
There are several pathways for bringing yoga and mindfulness into the school. One is as a guest speaker during the advisory period, 20-30 minutes of mindfulness once a week for 4 weeks, to introduce concepts of mindfulness to the students. Second is as a guest speaker in the phys-ed classes, bringing 30-40 minutes of breathing and stretching exercises to the students once a week for 4 weeks. Third is as a guest speaker in the health class, bringing mental wellness discussions to the students for 40-60 minutes once a week for 4 weeks. If the school is more committed to bringing yoga and mindfulness tools to their students, the following 16- week curriculum is available.
Building Courage, Gaining Confidence, Choosing Calm
Stress Management 101: Health Ed Course
This 16-week course investigates the adolescent brain and the impact of stress on the student’s ability to learn and perform academically. Students will discover how to recognize, manage, and reduce stress in their lives using mindfulness tools as an intervention. The course will also introduce the concept of somatic intelligence as a resource to increase their ability to...
Yoga Fitness: Physical Ed Course
This 16-week course covers exercises on the mat from the disciplines of yoga, pilates and core fusion. Students will learn how to balance stability and flexibility as they explore stretching and strengthening sequences for the hips, shoulders, and spine. They will discover tools to increase focus, concentration, and attention through the practice of breath, balance, and core exercises. Students...
Moving into Mindfulness: Elective Ed Course
This 16-week course explores the body-mind connection through yoga, mindfulness, and social emotional learning. Students will explore the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations as they move from the outer world of movement to the inner world of stillness. This class will train the student in somatic awareness, emotional intelligence and reflective insight to...