Over the last 20 years I have discovered, studied and explored yoga, massage, and mindfulness as skills, tools, and practices on my playground. Every time I cross that bridge from the haunted-fearful self to the whole-hearted loving self, there is a complete shift in my awareness. I realize that although the past may inform me it does not have to define me. This shift allows me to release the weight of all the stories I have created and carried over the years and stand upright with a sense of dignity.
And I have learned over the years through my own process and through witnessing the journey of those around me, that dignity is not bestowed upon someone, it is discovered. It is discovered when we remember that we are worthy and that we belong.
And even though we have been cracked or broken or even shattered, the fact that we have survived is proof of the strength and resiliency of the human spirit.
And over time we become more and more embodied and we begin to reach out again and trust again and make contact again because we know in our bones where we stand.
And we remember that our essential nature is to sense and feel and connect and love and be loved.
And over time as the body mind begins to settle into silence and stillness, we can no longer resist the call to turn in the direction of the light, as a sunflower turns to the sun without effort or striving.
IF awareness is a recognition of our embodied conscious self
AND if we believe that our purpose is to live more consciously
THEN life is the playground for our “WORK.”