The journey of awakening begins with one long slow deep inhale and one wide gentle empty exhale. May we join each other TO:
• Navigate through the muddy waters of life
• Touch the painful places physically
• Explore the imprints emotionally
• Reach for the unknown places spiritually
• Reflect on how we move in the world.
• Remember that we are not alone on this journey
• Realize that we are not a separate self
• Touch the silence of the present moment
• Dwell in the Presence and Love of emptiness
• Know in every cell of our being that life indeed is sacred.

This website is dedicated to all the people who are navigating their way through the many challenges that life offers. May you remember in the darkest moments of despair that you are not alone. May your breath connect you to the deeper pulsation of life and May you feel the strength and support of all those on a similar journey moving slowly and steadily toward the light.